Vikings: 60 Best Ragnar Quotes, Ranked

 Vikings: 60 Best Ragnar Quotes, Ranked

Ragnar Quotes

  1. "Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best."
  2. "I must find a way to follow my own path."
  3. "I am as much a farmer as I am a warrior."
  4. "Odin gave his eye to acquire knowledge. I would give far more."
  5. "It gladdens me to know that Odin prepares for a feast. Soon I shall be drinking ale from curved horns."
  6. "Death is not a punishment, but the consequence of living."
  7. "Don't waste your time looking back. You're not going that way."
  8. "You have only seen the beginning of the end."
  9. "I am not afraid to die for what I believe."
  10. "A man's heart should never be locked away."
  11. "There can be no reconciliation between our gods and the true God."
  12. "It is better to stand and fight. If you run, you will only die tired."
  13. "A warrior does not beg for his life."
  14. "I have dreamed of a place where the greatness of the gods is celebrated every day."
  15. "There will come a time when you will be responsible for our people."
    Ragnar Quotes, Ranked

  16. "Warriors don't show their heart until the axe reveals it."
  17. "Why should I not be happy? I am healthy and strong."
  18. "What is a king, if he does not lead his people in their time of need?"
  19. "You can never be too careful about the loyalty of your friends."
  20. "I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life."
  21. "It is one thing to use a weapon, but another to kill."
  22. "To be a king, you must have a kingdom."
  23. "The gods love to reward a warrior for his bravery."
  24. "We fight. That is how we win, and that is how we die."
  25. "I did not become Earl because I aspire to be one. It came about because of other people's actions."
  26. "When your time comes, you must lead with your head, not with your heart."
  27. "We live to fight another day."
  28. "The sword is more important than the shield, but the shield is more important than life itself."
  29. "I have the curiosity of a child and the soul of an old man."
  30. "No one will ever forget the name of Ragnar
    Vikings  Ragnar Quotes

    Lothbrok, but how many will remember yours?"
  31. "Sometimes you are flush, and sometimes you are bust, but life goes on."
  32. "Let us prepare to meet whatever will come to our fate."
  33. "I welcome the Valkyries to summon me home!"
  34. "Never hesitate."
  35. "If you don't want to be criticized, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."
  36. "You should look at death like an adventure."
  37. "I came into this world kicking and screaming while covered in someone else's blood. I have no problem with going out the same way."
  38. "There is only one way to treat men with honor: kill them."
  39. "I would worry less about the gods and more about the fury of a patient man."
  40. "One must be prepared to fight for one's right."
    Best Ragnar Quotes, Ranked

  41. "To be a leader is not just to be ambitious."
  42. "The future is open. Trust in the gods. Live for each moment."
  43. "I did not come here to enjoy a pleasant ride down the river."
  44. "Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
  45. "The gods are man's creation, to give answers that they are too afraid to give themselves."
  46. "Who needs a reason for betrayal? One must always think the worst, Ragnar, even of your own kin."
  47. "You cannot force the love of your children."
  48. "Speak useful words or be silent!"
  49. "In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me."
  50. "Everyone will always underestimate you. You must make them pay for it."
  51. "A good leader uses his brains, not just his sword arm."
  52. "Fame will go by, and, so long, I've had my share of fame."
  53. "If death comes today, let us be ready!"
  54. "I will go into the woods, and I will live a simple life. I have done with this world."
  55. "Sometimes, the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible."
  56. "My heart is as restless as the sea."
  57. "I do not want to follow; I want to lead."
  58. "I came to realize that I had more to offer this world than just making things that blow up."
  59. "You will never be loathed by anyone more than by me."
  60. "Your mind is not a cage. It is a garden, and it requires cultivating."
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