60 Viking quotes about fate:

 60 Viking quotes about fate:

  1. "Fate is inexorable."
  2. "The Norns have spun their threads."
  3. "What is fated cannot be avoided."
  4. "Fate will unwind as it must."
  5. "One’s fate is bound to the web of life."
  6. "Destiny waits for no man."
  7. "Fate is woven into the very fabric of the universe."
  8. "The threads of fate are strong and unbreakable."
  9. "Fate is the ruler of all."
  10. "One cannot escape the fate decreed by the gods."
  11. "Fate is the constant companion of every warrior."
  12. "The Norns weave and the world turns."
  13. "To fight fate is to fight the inevitable."
  14. "Fate is a path, and we are but travelers."
  15. "The threads of fate are as iron to the soul."
    quotes about fate

  16. "No man can change what is meant to be."
  17. "Fate’s web is complex and mysterious."
  18. "Destiny and fate are intertwined like lovers."
  19. "Fate is the forge, we are the metal."
  20. "The gods have written our fate in the stars."
  21. "Fate is the great equalizer."
  22. "The web of fate catches all."
  23. "Fate decides the victor and the vanquished."
  24. "The winds of fate blow where they will."
  25. "Fate is a river, and we must all swim."
  26. "One’s fate is a mirror of their deeds."
  27. "Fate is the shadow that walks beside us."
  28. "The path of fate is set long before we walk it."
  29. "Fate is the eternal song of the universe."
  30. "Fate guides the hands of warriors."
    Viking quotes

  31. "The Norns hold the fate of all in their hands."
  32. "Fate is the silent judge of men."
  33. "The loom of fate is always spinning."
  34. "Destiny calls and we must answer."
  35. "Fate is the silent whisper in the wind."
  36. "Fate’s tapestry is rich and varied."
  37. "Fate is the unseen force that binds us."
  38. "Fate is the compass of the soul."
  39. "Fate is a journey, not a destination."
  40. "The gods’ will and fate are one."
  41. "Fate shapes us as the blacksmith shapes the iron."
  42. "The threads of fate are unyielding."
  43. "Fate is the song of the stars."
  44. "The Norns weave our fate from birth to death."
  45. "Fate is a relentless tide."
    quotes  fate

  46. "Fate’s hand is firm and unchanging."
  47. "The gods decree, and fate follows."
  48. "Fate is the silent partner of the brave."
  49. "Fate binds us all in its web."
  50. "Fate’s whispers are heard in the heart."
  51. "Fate’s hand is heavy upon us."
  52. "Fate is the eternal dance of life and death."
  53. "Fate is the master, we are but pawns."
  54. "The loom of fate is never still."
  55. "Fate is the silent sentinel of time."
  56. "Fate is the unbreakable bond between man and destiny."
  57. "The Norns weave, and we follow."
  58. "Fate is the river, and we are its currents."
  59. "The threads of fate are the strings of life."
  60. "Fate is the guiding star of the soul."
    Viking quotes about fate

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