viking quotes about children

 Here are 60 Viking quotes about children, emphasizing their role, upbringing, and significance in Viking culture:

  1. "Cattle die, kinsmen die, you yourself will also die; but the fame of a noble deed never dies."

    • Hávamál
  2. "The sons of a man who keeps silent in the hall are less likely to be a match for foes."

    • Hávamál
  3. "Wise is he who guards his tongue."

    • Hávamál
  4. "A child must be reared with respect and discipline."

    • Hávamál
  5. "One should not ask more than one should learn."

    • Hávamál
  6. "Bravery and deeds are what a father should teach his son."

    • Hávamál
  7. "He is truly wise who has traveled far and knows the ways of the world."

    • Hávamál
  8. "The unwise man is awake all night, worries over and again; when morning rises, he is restless still."

    • Hávamál
  9. "A fool is he who thinks he knows it all."

    • Hávamál
  10. "A tree with deep roots is not disturbed by the wind."

    • Viking Proverb
  11. "Children are the legacy of a family's honor and strength."

    • Viking Proverb
    • Viking quotes about children

  12. "In the eyes of a child, you will see the world as it should be."

    • Viking Proverb
  13. "Teach your children the old ways, so they may remember."

    • Viking Proverb
  14. "A warrior's son should be brave and strong."

    • Viking Proverb
  15. "A child who does not listen must feel."

    • Viking Proverb
  16. "To be brave is to love unconditionally."

    • Viking Proverb
  17. "The joy of a child is the light of a home."

    • Viking Proverb
  18. "A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer."

    • Viking Proverb
  19. "A father's wisdom is a child's strength."

    • Viking Proverb
  20. "Better to be wise than to be bold."

    • Viking Proverb
      Viking quotes children

  21. "He who loves his child disciplines him."

    • Viking Proverb
  22. "Strength and wisdom come with age, but youth has its own power."

    • Viking Proverb
  23. "Raise your child to be a shield for the weak."

    • Viking Proverb
  24. "Children are the future of the clan."

    • Viking Proverb
  25. "A happy child is a sign of a prosperous home."

    • Viking Proverb
  26. "Teach your child the way of the warrior."

    • Viking Proverb
  27. "A child learns what they live."

    • Viking Proverb
  28. "Honor your parents, so your children will honor you."

    • Viking Proverb
  29. "A wise child brings joy to their father."

    • Viking Proverb
  30. "A disciplined child is a blessing to their family."

    • Viking Proverb
      quotes about children

  31. "The laughter of a child is the light of a home."

    • Viking Proverb
  32. "In the heart of a child lies the future."

    • Viking Proverb
  33. "A child’s curiosity is the seed of wisdom."

    • Viking Proverb
  34. "Strong children make strong warriors."

    • Viking Proverb
  35. "Teach your children to respect the gods."

    • Viking Proverb
  36. "A child’s smile is worth more than gold."

    • Viking Proverb
  37. "A child’s mind is like a sponge, it absorbs all."

    • Viking Proverb
  38. "Be the person you want your children to be."

    • Viking Proverb
  39. "A child's questions should be answered with care."

    • Viking Proverb
  40. "Wisdom is the best gift a father can give his child."

    • Viking Proverb
  41. "A child’s laughter is a melody of joy."

    • Viking Proverb
  42. "Teach your children to honor their ancestors."

    • Viking Proverb
  43. "A child’s trust is sacred and should be protected."

    • Viking Proverb
  44. "The strength of a family is in its children."

    • Viking Proverb
  45. "Children are the arrows in a warrior’s quiver."

    • Viking Proverb
  46. "The wisdom of the father is the heritage of the children."

    • Viking Proverb
  47. "Children are the seeds of the future."

    • Viking Proverb
  48. "A child’s love is pure and unconditional."

    • Viking Proverb
  49. "The bond between parent and child is eternal."

    • Viking Proverb
  50. "Children are a reflection of their parents."

    • Viking Proverb
  51. "The laughter of a child is the light of a home."

    • Viking Proverb
  52. "A child’s joy is the greatest treasure."

    • Viking Proverb
  53. "A child’s curiosity is the spark of learning."

    • Viking Proverb
  54. "Children are the future of the clan."

    • Viking Proverb
  55. "A happy child is the heart of a home."

    • Viking Proverb
  56. "The strength of a family is in its children."

    • Viking Proverb
  57. "A child’s trust is a gift."

    • Viking Proverb
  58. "Children bring life to a home."

    • Viking Proverb
  59. "A child’s smile is worth more than gold."

    • Viking Proverb
  60. "The future lies in the hearts of our children."

    • Viking Proverb
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